ESSL Online FAQs

The following list of frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) provides more information about ESSL Online. If this doesn’t answer all your questions please get in touch using the contact form.

What is the closing date for 2024 applications?

The closing date for applications for ESSL Online 2024 is 17.00 on Monday 30th September.

Do I have to be UK based to access ESSL Online?

No. If you can make the time of the sessions (19.30-21.30 BST/GMT), you can access ESSL Online from anywhere in the world.

What are the school dates?

Wednesday evenings from October 2024 to May 2025 (excluding half terms and Christmas and Easter holidays).

There is an optional ‘Meet the Team’ Social Zoom on Wednesday 25th September at 19:30 for 1 hour.

Term 1 2nd Oct-18th Dec Half term holiday: 30th Oct
Term 2 8th Jan-2nd Apr Half term holiday: 19th Feb
Term 3 23rd Apr-21st May

What are the school hours?

19.30-21.30 (BST/GMT) but we encourage everyone to join Zoom 5 minutes prior to the session start where you will be placed into a waiting room ready to be brought in at 19:30.

Can I do a taster evening?

You may sample one evening of ESSL online to give you an experience of the online school.

These evenings are free of charge and run on the following dates:

  • March 20th
  • April 17th
  • April 24th
  • May 1st

Anyone who wishes to attend should book directly with,

Will there be opportunities to meet up in person?

There will be no formal meeting up in person as part of the course, but during the year there may be opportunities to meet up with fellow ESSL Online students for those within travelling distance of Eastgate.

Are there any restrictions on ages of students?

Adult students of all ages may apply. In our ESSL Dayschool we have had all ages from gap year students to people in their senior years well into their 80’s.

Do I need a church reference?

No reference is required for the online school.

Is there a formal interview?

No, we do not interview students who apply for the online school but we do require you to abide by our Culture of Honour requirements which are set out in the application form.

Are sessions delivered in any language other than English?

No, all sessions are delivered in English.

Will there be other resources available?

Yes. Many of the sessions will have notes that you will be able to see and download. Some speakers will also provide recommended reading lists and other resources relating to their session. These will be hosted on Teachable, the online application we use to help us facilitate ESSL Online.

Will the sessions be recorded for catch up?

No. Unfortunately we won’t be able to record the sessions.

What is the cost of ESSL Online?

The total cost of ESSL Online is £270.

Can I pay in instalments?

There will be an opportunity to pay in 3 instalments of £95, at a total cost of £285.

Who can apply?

We believe the supernatural lifestyle should be the ‘natural’ lifestyle for all Christians. So, ESSL Online is open to all Christians 18 years and over.